Annual Provincial Assembly of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners
Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons. Province of West Lancashire
The Savoy Hotel, Blackpool. Tuesday 21st Sept 2021
A great day to look forward to, it’s been a long time coming but it was here at last, a chance to meet up with lots of friends and I’m sure make many new ones. This time it was being held at The Savoy Hotel (very posh) in Blackpool due to the loss of our usual venue in Southport, set off early 8am to be precise made my way up the famous ramp on to the M60, couldn’t understand it, same as last week it wasn’t blocked, on I went past the usual traffic hot spot at Worsley which again wasn’t there and straight on to the M61, M6 then the M55 before exiting for Blackpool North. This road seemed to go on forever and what can I say about speed cameras, never seen so many, it’s a good job I have a Radar Snooper. (Keep that secret)
Ah well got there in good time at last, it’s an impressive building standing on a corner junction, once inside you could feel the buzz from all those present, how nice it was to see all the smiling faces and genuine greetings from all over the Province including a great welcome from the PGM, his Deputy and both the Asst PGM’s. There were plenty of areas used as robing rooms and before too long it was time for everyone to be seated for the opening of the Provincial RAM Assembly which opened on time at 10.30. 
The PGM welcomed everyone and thanked all for their attendance before spending some time remembering our recently departed Brothers, Family and Friends since our last Prov Meeting and during the dreadful Pandemic which swept across the country and the World. The minutes of the Virtual Meeting held on the 15th of Sept 2020 were approved, the Prov Grand Scribe’s report given before the PGM gave his address to the meeting. Next it was time to invest Recipients of Prov Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank, any other business followed and that was it the meeting was over for another year, a rousing rendition of the National Anthem was sung after which the PGM retired.
A short break followed which gave time for everyone present to take a breather before changing into their Mark Regalia and re-take their seats in the Temple. Now it was a bit déjà vu, right on time at 12 noon the Prov Mark Lodge was opened, the PGM was Saluted following which Keith then had great pleasure in presenting V.W. Geoffrey Lee PGJO, ProvDepPGM with a Mark Benevolent Charity Jewel for his very generous donations over several years. The ProvDepPGM along with his two Asst PGM’s were then saluted. Keith now said it had taken some time but that he now had been looking forward on this special occasion to collar W.Bro. Ian Nairn PGJO as PastProvAsstPGM, Ian said he was delighted to receive the honour and was then duly saluted by all present.
The minutes of the Virtual meeting held on the 5th of May 2021 were submitted and confirmed. The PGM gave his address to the meeting, the Acting Prov Grand Officers for the year and those receiving first appointments were then invested and saluted. A vote of thanks to the Mark Secretariat for all the arrangements they had made, then further to a Notice of motion on the 5th of May 2021 the Prov Bye Laws were amended and now adopted. Any other business relating to the Province was offered and that was it the meeting was closed, except for another hearty rendition of the National Anthem.
A few pictures were taken, glasses topped up then it was time for everyone to take up their allotted places for lunch in a splendid Dining Room with outstanding décor. A fine meal was served up by very pleasant and efficient staff, the usual Toasts and Responses were given and well received, (including a new joke). All too soon it was all over yet again, outside it wasn’t sunny but very pleasant, I could see some of the famous Blackpool lights which are well worth an evening trip to check out along with some Fish bites at Harry Ramsdens, my favourites. Here’s to our next Merry Meeting to see old friends and those I have yet to meet.
Stay Safe Remember It’s Not Over Yet!
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGJD. Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No. 1173